Friday, March 27, 2009
Earth Hour 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Taman Maluri Robery
How dangerous. Nowsaday in KL, I wonder, these is solveable or makan sendiri case
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Natasha Richardson: 1963-2009
My condolences to the celebrated film career of award-winning actress Natasha Richardson, who died tragically on Wednesday, March 18, after suffering a head injury while skiing
Who Am I?
Asking such a question soometime make u think deep into life. From the day you are young till the day you study in promary to secondary and the to college and working if you are on 20s now. ut if you are younger on the other hand, you might beworry about SPM and what to do next, or maybe what to eat tonight or where to date or maybe not last,what game to play.
For me, as I said never satisfied with the answer of myself decided to writehow I feel. How lame, I know. Who cares..?
I am myself..I am jerk, I guess but gentle and kind hopefully. Not ugly but noisy. Not extremely intelligent but smart, Not sensitive but soft-hearted, not fierce but frustated, not complicated but useful, not influencial but able to lead, not Attractive but suave, not brave but fearless, not careful but cautious, not Romantic but try my best.
I, myself not a good brother for my younger twin brothers, not as perfect as my older sister, not a good boyfriendfor my GF and lastly not a good son formy parent. I even can forgot my own brothers' birthday, no matter what I do never seem to goes well with my GF, always make my family worry. Damn what a life. Since that I am here announcing the lame story, I might as well apologize to all.
To everyone, Thanks my friends, you all are great help to me, great companion and buddy. From my hometown to KL friends. Thanks
To my brothers, thanks and million of thanks, that you still treat me as brother although that I did nothing at all
To my parent, I am sorry that I didn't live as you all expect. I can't get good result and become doctor as you all wanted. I can make you proud and always make you wory.
To my sister, I am sorry that I used to depend you so much, no matter what you always think of me first. Still make you worry even I got so old myself.
To my GF, I am sorry that I am not romantic, or sensitive. Whatever I do, I always seem to do it wrong. Always not perfect and always a burden for you. Not only sorry but I thank you for being so understanding to me.
Everyone who know me, I thanks you all, all my life without you all, will be just a scrap.
And in the end, still who am I?
A Story to live by
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always
there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.'
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend.
He asked her,’ Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him.
Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.'
This is how the human brain often works when our status changes.
Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.
Life Is a Gift
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't
Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion.
Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who died
too early on this earth.
Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who
desires children but they're barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or
sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.
And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning
another - Remember that not one of us is without sin.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Team Hoyt is a father (Dick Hoyt, b. ca. 1940) and son (Rick Hoyt, b. 1962) in Massachusetts who compete together in marathons, triathlons, and other athletic endeavors. Rick has cerebral palsy, caused by loss of oxygen to his brain at birth because his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. Dick pulls him in a special boat as they swim, carries him in a special seat up front as they bike, and pushes him in a special wheelchair as they run.
Doctors told his parents that Rick would live in a vegatative state, but his parents, with the help of Tufts University engineers, recognized that his sense of humor indicated intelligence. At the age of 12, Rick was able to learn how to use a special computer to communicate using movements from his head. The first words he typed were, "Go Bruins!", and the family learned he was a sports fan. They entered their first race in 1977, a 5 mile benefit run for an injured lacrosse player who was a schoolmate of Rick's.
Dick is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Air National Guard. Rick earned a college degree from Boston University in special education, and now works at Boston College. They continue to compete in races, and are also motivational speakers.
As of August 31, 2008, Team Hoyt had participated in a total of 984 events, including 229 Triathlons (6 of which were Ironman competitions), 20 Duathlons, and 66 Marathons, including 26 Boston Marathons.[1] They have also biked and run across the USA, in 1992 — a 3,735 mile journey that took them 45 days.
When asked what one thing Rick wished he could give his father, his reply was "The thing I'd most like is that my dad would sit in the chair and I would push him once."
More at wikipedia
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Iphone with Maxis
Rate Plans :
i-Value Plan (12 month contract)
More information can get it from Maxis website
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Expensive Carpark in Residential Area - GAC
For PJ area, carpark might be varies but price for it is from RM4 - 8. For most of the shopping center, for mid valley currently is charge by hour maximun for RM8 while on OneU, is per-entry only at RM 1- 2.
This is not the end, there is a lot open car park that charges money, but most of us car driver willing to pay as carpark is difficult to find....sad~

However, what I know in GREEN AVENUE CONDOMINIUN (GAC) in bukit jalil charge its visitor RM10 for a carpark duration of 4 hours. Funny, this is the most funny and exhilarating I ever heard and know. Now, condominium management is trying to earn carpark money too. Sadly to say, this is the first time I ever heard this kind of problem, that a residential area need to pay carpark fees. Ever wonder there are a day when your parent, relative, brother or sister come visit you at the condominium, and they need to pay a carpark fees like everywhere else.