Thursday, June 28, 2007

Gahmen, the Question, and Unique

Hmm, so the 4th Super GT race had ended their station in Malaysia last week. Look like is kinda grand althought that I didn't go to all the four races. Ever since with this Super GT here, for those speed addicts, babe addicts, or whatever *beeb* *beeb* addicts, finally thought Malaysia is gain popularity and has a bit of somesort of "LIFE" here.

And out of the sudden (dengan tiba-tiba-nya, *grin*), ok, who the freaking old man, was saying, hmm, the attire for the queens are toooooooooooo~~~ damn sexy for Malaysia. They are poisoning Malaysia culture, blah blah shit~~ *%@$%$. Can u belive it?

This is from the Paper :-
"Datuk Ir. Hasni Bin Haji Mohammad [ Pontian ] minta MENTERI BELIA DAN SUKAN menyatakan apakah pendirian Kementerian terhadap peragawati yang berpakaian seksi pada perlumbaan kereta Super GT yang diadakan di Malaysia setiap tahun."

Translation :-
A datuk asked what does the Ministry for Youth and Sports have to say about hostesses in hot clothes at Super GT race held annually in Malaysia?

What the gahmen are trying to do now? If gahmen are so free, can't they focus more on other cases :- corruption, kes curi, kes rompak, kes kipnap, kes sini, kes sana, kes %$#^&.
But their otak, is only focus in this..attire la, kissing in public la, cannot hugging la, male and female separate in Monorail/LRT la.. Too free to think this, use sometime to thing something that really need to do la...wasting time

What can u expect from a super GT Race without Super GT babes. Can u imagine it? I just wonder what kind of damage can the GT babes with their sexy costumes can be damage about..
damage hmm, otak..maybe will rape someone? or maybe otak with "blue screen". Hahah :p
Kinda suspect, polluted the good name of Malaysia, so the Mongolian case does not, corruption does not, rape/kipnap/racism case does not...but GT babes does the effect.

In this case, have any other country complaining regarding these things before. Has their country become something like %#@%@ what u polluting our country name.. S'pore has been long time accept GAY but nobody said that country is shitty but well, become more popular. "welcome to s'pore" in Pirates movies.

The race has been that way for long times, and it just like their tradition, because of this, ppl will interested, and what kind of old and %$@%$# thinking from gahmen. That will can be expected as we know~~

Quates from some Forum :-
"If cannot stage Super GT without Super Babes. If we want to dress them up like Siti, might as well race proton saga against mat rempit kapcai."

"Because the parliament culture work in such a way that the more stupid the question that you raise, the better attention that they are going to get. Even a slow loris from most remote jungle will become a superstar over night. Is it the right pattern?"

"ah yo, the guy so smart, why don't he ask himself yet asking the ministry of what to ask, maybe can ask her wife to ask too"

"Remind me of Hadi Awang famous road back to his ancestors living in three tops. …the problem is …everything changed…they love to own Merz cars…..big mansions….travel first class to see the world…play with girls there….send their kids to study overseas…learn to be like Europeans……..except their brains.These blokes are beginning to show how really stupid and illogical they can be."

" GT race is celebrating the 50 years anniversary this year. GT Babes have been around as long as the races for the promotions and for the sport survival. They were not introduced into the event as sex dollies for economy. They are an important member of the GT racing sport fraternity. They are just beautiful girls to me. I won’t degrade them…by asking them to dress as Rosmah, Yen Yen or Mrs. Semi V. There is nothing wrong for girls to be beautiful and sexy. If racer men in boxer shorts can promote the sport, they would have done it 50 years ago. Our MPs always highlight issues like sexism and racism to torch up the debates for fame…this is what disgusts me most."

Enjoy the Photo

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