Time is here, another introduction to my Master KenWah's blog. Oh ya, my master, he taught me a lot thing when I first step in to IT world. From programming, to Project Management, he never fail to amaze me at all.
Here the link to his blog :- SuiMakMak. But somehow, I can't understand what does SuiMakMak mean?
What he blog about? 1. He blogs about everything from apparel, gadgets to pets, scenes and places to eat and play, so much that u can find any sort of information in his blog 2. his recent trips information in China, together with his talented photographed skills photo. (*crossed finger)
Red Alert 3 had been released for some time and I had taken my time to play through the game. Wait, I not going totalk about the game, but the showdown from the game, oh yeah, boobs.
This time Red Alert 3 brings out more not only 3 but more of hot babes into the game
The video
The Babe From The Empire of the rising sun:
Intelligence Officer Suki Toyama
Suki Toyama is the Intelligence Officer for The Imperial military. She performs the same function as Lt. Eva does for the Allies. In the ending the Empire campaign, she's seen in a bikini inviting the commander to join her vacation in the tropics. Suki Toyama is played by Kelly Hu.
More info about babes From Allied:
Commander Lissette Hanley
The second Allied co-Commander, Lisette is an allied navy commander who has a background in the French Intelligence Service and a gift for seeing through enemy tactics. As such her tactics are unorthodox but very effective. Lissette's unit preference are mostly Naval units like Dolphins and Hydrofoils. Her personality reflects a childish nature which cause many commanders to underestimate her. Commander Hanley is played by Autumn Reeser.
Lieutenant Eva McKenna
Lt. Eva is a communications officer for the Allied coalition. She was one of the top students at the military academy and as such has been assigned as the Intelligence Officer to the top Commanders (including the player). She wears the stripes of an RAF sergeant on her uniform. Later in the Allied campaign, she has crush on the commander, proven when she speaks to him in a rather flirtng fashion, for which she was scolded by Special Agent Tanya, and later, she is asking him out for dinner at the end of the campaign in a white party dress. She was unaware however that Special Agent Tanya is asking the Commander out on a date as well for a drink in a pub she knows of while wearing a black dress, this naturally places the Commander in a very interesting situation. She is also the model for the Allied Victory Banner (which is unique, as the Soviet and Empire Banners depicted their lowest infantryman triumphing rather than one of their characters). Lieutenant Eva McKenna is portrayed by Gemma Atkinson.
Special Agent Tanya
Speculation runs about her place of birth, real name, military rank, marital status, weight, height, shoe size, number of confirmed kills, age, natural hair color, and more, which are all closely-guarded secrets. Tanya has a propensity for single-handedly resolving huge military conflicts, typically by somehow neutralizing every enemy combatant. President Ackerman comments that Tanya can kill a person 15 ways with her barehands, and the Japanese commented that Tanya managed to wipe out an entire company of Shinobi by herself in less then 3 hours.
In game, Tanya is deadly against infantry and as she can swim, Tanya is also a threat to enemy ships. Tanya has a new tool, the Chrono Belt, which allows her to jump 10 seconds backwards in time, to help her get out of tough situations.
Despite not showing any open attraction to the Commander at first, Tanya quickly grows to like the Commander and scolds Eva for attempting to flirt with the Commander during the mission to attack all the Empire's leaders. In the end of the Allied Campaign, she dresses up to ask the Commander out, wearing a dark party dress and suggesting she and the Commander go for a drink in a pub she knows of, unaware that Eva was also addressing the Commander in a white dress asking him out to dinner. This places the Commander in a very interesting situation. In the final level of the soviet campaign, she destroys several dreadnoughts, in a similar manner to the first allied mission in Red Alert 2. She can later be killed as a bonus objective. Tanya is portrayed by Jenny McCarthy.
Soviet Hot babes :
Natasha Volkova
Natasha Volkova is a Russian folk hero, so much so that hers is a household name (her first name, that is) among Soviet citizens who love to show up in throngs to her staged appearances on national holidays and in military parades. Paraphernalia autographed by this highly decorated Leningrad-born sniper is known to sell for many tens of thousands of rubles, though few Soviets would be unconscionable enough to willingly part with such a treasure. After all, the Soviet Union has none other so renowned for her astonishing marksmanship, startling beauty, and complete devotion to the Soviet cause. Allegedly, Natasha's natural talent with a rifle was discovered early on by Soviet military recruiters, who worked with the press to make her name and prowess become the talk of the Union--and, before long, the world. Questions exist as to her identity, personality, and abilities, with some suspecting that aspects of these may have been fabricated for the purposes of propaganda. While her exploits may be exaggerated, she is determined to serve the Soviet cause.
There may be a darker side to Natasha's story. While government agencies have flatly dismissed or even incarcerated journalists who questioned Natasha's military conduct or the validity of official sources about her life and career, rumors and gossip of Natasha's "shocking cruelty" supposedly still circulate among the conscripts who have seen her in combat firsthand. One infamous story about her involves an execution of six enemy prisoners-of-war with a single shot from her custom rifle.
Urban legends further suggest she may not even be of Soviet descent, or that she may not even be the "real" Natasha. This, in turn, gives rise to further conspiracy theories about how, exactly, a youthful-looking woman such as Ms. Volkova could have operated in so many combat encounters in such a short period of time. Certainly, argue the theorists, she cannot be a single person. On the other hand, one of Natasha's qualities that is widely accepted is her propensity for showmanship: Her unorthodox marksmanship technique looks almost like an elaborate dance. In the game, Natasha's has an airstrike calling ability similar to that of Boris, and the vehicle-sniping ability of the GLA's Jarmen Kell. Her sniper shots also have the ability of going through multiple units in a straight line.
A Soviet Commander, preference towards air units. she's revealed to have backgrounds in the Russian Air force and the Russian Intelligence. She constantly boasts about having the most Loyal units to the Motherland, and will personally execute anyone who falls below her standard, making her army in fear of her yet her respect for some extraordinary achievements in the battle. With her background in the Air force, she has preference over air units boasting once more that her Pilots could take down 10 planes by themselves.
Damn, I am jealous. really really jealous. My brother can took photo together with Gary Chaw aka Chaw Ge. Firstly, he is Malaysian, and way too cool song write, composer and singer.
Man, too bad for the hair, that is all I want to say. what with the color. It make me remember the character from Dragon Ball